Thursday, July 15, 2010

LeVar Burton and Friends

Butterfly in the sky
I can go twice as high
Take a look
It's in a book
A Reading Rainbow

I can go anywhere
Friends to know
And ways to grow
A Reading Rainbow

I can be anything
Take a look
It's in a book
A Reading Rainbow
A Reading Rainbow
- Reading Rainbow Theme Song

There was some pretty cool television shows when I was a kid. In Canada we had alot of great shows, most running on CBC. I've linked to some clips of some classics... looking back now these dudes were pretty cool.

Fred Penner:

Mr Dressup:

Friendly Giant:

America's public television programming was no slouch either. Alot of children's shows have learning themes, but two programs from the US focused specifically on two different learning areas.

One was the show Square One, which was all about.... Math. Yes, a show about Math that was both entertaining and informative. And at the end of every show came my favourite part... Mathnet. Detectives using math to solve crimes? So cool.

Square One:

Mathnet -

Last but not least is Reading Rainbow. A show starring LeVar Burton who's engaging personality captured the attention of children everywhere. As we all know, LeVar of course went on to co-star in Star Trek The Next Generation, but in Reading Rainbow he really made his mark... who else can get you this excited about a shower in the toilet?

Reading Rainbow:

Last night my friends told me that LeVar is now working on a comic. Its called ConCERNed and deals with the Large Hadron Collider. The Large Hadron Collider is the worldest largest particle accelator located in Europe. Some people are worried this thing is going to create a black hole and the world will end up getting eaten by itself. Others swear this thing can change lead into gold. I have my own theories about what's actually going on so I made my own comic...

Bonus! RUN DMC droppin' science on Reading Rainbow:


  1. Love Burton. Especially with RunDMC bonus clips!

    Speaking of amazing Canadian children's shows, tell me you have seen this...

  2. good god. that's friggin' WEIRDDDDDD! what a perv...

    "the mother's are always so easy to kiss, its the kids!"
