Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Part 2

Frochliche Weinachten!
Joyeux Noel!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Kwanzaa!
Feliz Navidad!
Happy Festivus!
- written on a flip chart at a meeting on wednesday

As we approach the hallowed holiday that marks the second coming of the twin gay baby jesuses... oh wait, nevermind... that's not the Dec. 25th one.

OK, how about a little tale of Christmas Then and Now. It's tonnes of fun for the whole family! and it proves to be a good way to remember and consider the holiday season.

Then: So excited for gifts christmas morning that we're up at 6am
Now: Tied one on with my sisters xmas eve so lets shoot for 9:30 - 10am

Then: "Oh god, another book"
Now: "Hooray! another book!"

Then: Giving is better than receiving - a lie
Now: Giving is better than receiving - the truth

Then: Turkey Dinner - delicious
Now: Turkey Dinner - delicious

and finally...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Part 1

Christmas is coming
The goose is getting fat
Please put a loonie in the old man's hat
If you haven't got a loonie a cigarette will do
If you haven't got a cigarette then oh fuck you!
-traditional hymn

Hmmm... what to say about Christmas.
Well we got a tree from a u-cut tree farm which was fun. It is a good size and I got to use my chainsaw which is a rare pleasure. It's decorated and looks great in the living room (the tree).

I have only one Christmas album on vinyl, its some random jazz quartet doing all your favourites... I inherited it from my parents. It is the stand-by whenever the christmas mood strikes.

We are thinking about hosting a Christmas open house... maybe next week. Anybody interested? We could provide some treats and some egg nog and have that same record on repeat over and over again. I'll send out an invite.

So instead of providing some reflection on giving or giving thanks over the season in "Christmas Part 1" I am instead providing some words of advice for this holiday season...

Be on the lookout for mistletoe!