I call to say I'm on the way
2000 years remain in a trash can
Let burn the cigarette somewhere
-- Taken from the song Rome by Phoenix
Greetings friends. I stand here, naked before you, with no real excuses as to my absence from the blogging world.
But fear not! Inspiration hath returned, albeit in a somewhat tardy fashion given the subject matter.
You may remember when a woman from Courtenay BC got stranded off the west coast of Haida Gwaii? It happened at the beginning of June. The woman’s name is Elaine Campbell.
Her and her partner were touring the coast and had left their larger vessel in a small skiff for a day shore trip when they capsized. Although she was able to swim to shore her partner, unfortunately, was not so lucky.
After 6 days she was rescued by a fishing boat in relatively good shape all things considered.
This taken from the Victoria Times Colonist article on the incident:
Later that day, an orange, Wydenes’s cigarettes — wrapped in cellophane — and a Thermos of tea washed ashore.
“How did the tide decide to bring that over to exactly where I was?” she said. “I had a feeling that no matter where I was it would have came to me.”
Campbell rationed the tea and orange for 3 1⁄2 days.
There is no mention how long the smokes lasted but you have to figure at least as long as the tea did.