Friday, October 28, 2011

Common Misconceptions

"Welcome baby Clara!"
-- this post is dedicated to you, Clara.

The phrase 'a common misconception' is commonly, er, often used.

There are a lot of common misconceptions.

This site lists the 'top 10 common misconceptions'.

It is a horrible list though and not worth reading.

Wikipedia has quite a long page dedicated to common misconceptions at

It lists a great many misconceptions in a number of different subject areas and it won't leave you feeling as empty and alone as the first list of misconceptions did.

One common misconception is that the even-toed ungulate within the subfamily Bovinae that roam parts of North America are called buffalo. In fact, these large hairy beasts are bison.

Some bison fun-facts courtesy of wikipedia:

  • Bison have a fairly simple diet. The bison's main food is grass.

  • Wallowing is a common behavior of bison.

  • At the time bison ran wild, they were rated second only to the Alaska brown bear as a potential killer, more dangerous than the grizzly bear. In the words of early naturalists, they were a dangerous, savage animal that feared no other animal and in prime condition could best any foe.

  • Some cattle breeds are intentionally bred with bison to produce, for instance, Beefalo hybrids.
Now for a fun-fact about buffalo:

My first ever siting of a Jeans Buffalo was in this commercial.... its classic stuff.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Still Alive!

Always and forevermore
I call to say I'm on the way
2000 years remain in a trash can
Let burn the cigarette somewhere
-- Taken from the song Rome by Phoenix

Greetings friends. I stand here, naked before you, with no real excuses as to my absence from the blogging world.

But fear not! Inspiration hath returned, albeit in a somewhat tardy fashion given the subject matter.

You may remember when a woman from Courtenay BC got stranded off the west coast of Haida Gwaii? It happened at the beginning of June. The woman’s name is Elaine Campbell.

Her and her partner were touring the coast and had left their larger vessel in a small skiff for a day shore trip when they capsized. Although she was able to swim to shore her partner, unfortunately, was not so lucky.

After 6 days she was rescued by a fishing boat in relatively good shape all things considered.

This taken from the Victoria Times Colonist article on the incident:

Later that day, an orange, Wydenes’s cigarettes — wrapped in cellophane — and a Thermos of tea washed ashore.

“How did the tide decide to bring that over to exactly where I was?” she said. “I had a feeling that no matter where I was it would have came to me.”

Campbell rationed the tea and orange for 3 1⁄2 days.

There is no mention how long the smokes lasted but you have to figure at least as long as the tea did.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Part 2

Frochliche Weinachten!
Joyeux Noel!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Kwanzaa!
Feliz Navidad!
Happy Festivus!
- written on a flip chart at a meeting on wednesday

As we approach the hallowed holiday that marks the second coming of the twin gay baby jesuses... oh wait, nevermind... that's not the Dec. 25th one.

OK, how about a little tale of Christmas Then and Now. It's tonnes of fun for the whole family! and it proves to be a good way to remember and consider the holiday season.

Then: So excited for gifts christmas morning that we're up at 6am
Now: Tied one on with my sisters xmas eve so lets shoot for 9:30 - 10am

Then: "Oh god, another book"
Now: "Hooray! another book!"

Then: Giving is better than receiving - a lie
Now: Giving is better than receiving - the truth

Then: Turkey Dinner - delicious
Now: Turkey Dinner - delicious

and finally...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Part 1

Christmas is coming
The goose is getting fat
Please put a loonie in the old man's hat
If you haven't got a loonie a cigarette will do
If you haven't got a cigarette then oh fuck you!
-traditional hymn

Hmmm... what to say about Christmas.
Well we got a tree from a u-cut tree farm which was fun. It is a good size and I got to use my chainsaw which is a rare pleasure. It's decorated and looks great in the living room (the tree).

I have only one Christmas album on vinyl, its some random jazz quartet doing all your favourites... I inherited it from my parents. It is the stand-by whenever the christmas mood strikes.

We are thinking about hosting a Christmas open house... maybe next week. Anybody interested? We could provide some treats and some egg nog and have that same record on repeat over and over again. I'll send out an invite.

So instead of providing some reflection on giving or giving thanks over the season in "Christmas Part 1" I am instead providing some words of advice for this holiday season...

Be on the lookout for mistletoe!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Insider scoop! Why Gordo finally resigned

“We can disagree on the laws that are passed, and we often do. But the foundation of our society is that once a law is passed that we agree to obey it. We do not get to obey the laws that we like and disobey the laws that we don't like”
-Gordon Campbell

When BC Premier Gordon Campbell announced his resignation on November 3rd it became apparent that he knew his time was up. To most of the general population of BC this seemed obvious, but alot more was going on than a simple realization of 'everyone hates me now so I better quit'.

Gordo is, and has been, a man with a plan. His political moves have been always been carefully calculated which has been both his success and his downfall. Gordo has known for quite a while that his popularity was at an all time low... but this is not the type of guy who wouldn't come up with some shifty strategy to bounce back.

Fortunately for Leon Paints readers, I am in a unique position to be able to provide you with a blow by blow account of the political events/strategies that took place up until yesterday.

In a nutshell:

"Huh?!" you say? "What is that supposed to mean?" Let me break it down for you.

1. Gordon introduces the HST. Bad for popularity/ratings but "so hot for the economy right now"
2. Gordon thinks: Maybe if I agree to have a referendum on the matter people will like me more.
3. Result: A referectum? People are still angry and distrustful
4. Gordon realizes: Time for the ace up my sleeve... Lets go talk to my good buddy Arnie down in LA.
5. Gordon says: "OK, Arnie, if/when California legalizes marijuana, you'll come up for a photo op if we do the same, right?"
6. Gordon thinks: Haha, they'll never see it coming. If we legalize pot in BC I'll become a hero!
7. On November 2nd the California legalization bill doesn't pass, any potential excuse/momentum to do the same in BC evaporates.
8. Gordon realizes its all over and resigns.

And that's what really happened.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pumpkin Pull!

"The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds The coffin-bangers were about to arrive With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five" "
-The Monster Mash

Well the warm sun run we had at the beginning of October has finally given way to fall. This is kind of sad but we are due I figure. The autumn colours are in effect and when the sun peaks out from behind the clouds its quite beautiful in our fair city.

For whatever reason I haven't had much Leon Paints material ready for this month, but with Pumpkin Pull only a few days away lo and behold MS Paint and I started dating again.

Pumpkin Pull is Victoria's annual Halloween Ultimate (frisbee) tournament... teams from around the province and down south and up north come to Victoria to play ultimate for two days. They dress up, throw discs, throw up, and get down. It's a gay old time.

Each team chooses a theme to dress up in. Some themes from teams I've played on include:
  • Luchadores - Mexican wrestlers. We even built a ring! I was 'El Gato Volador'
  • Surgical Strike - dressed up as doctors in scrubs. the fireball stretcher was a favourite.
  • Cabaret - Everyone's finest cabaret wear. I was beautiful.
Usually I've done a quick mock-up of my potential outfit... I can't find my gato volador pic, but here is my cabaret one:

Faithful Leon Paints followers can see that my skills are rapidly improving.
This year's team is French Disc. Berets, baguettes, fromage... if it's French it's fair game. We are even putting antifreeze in the wine.

Here's this year's costume mock-up... get inspired!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Stick it to the Man!

"Congrats to Georgda!"
-From all your friends

A second hand comment/observation about myself as a person was recently brought to my attention. Essentially, the comment concerned the duality of my nature as a human being.

I refer to my long lost university Arts One program days in suggesting that this duality aligns with themes of 'Reason vs Passion'. In more practical terms, one might describe it as thoughful analysis vs drunken stupour.

I am a libra which maybe explains (or justify?) these opposite behaviours. But I truly believe that these two opposites have a symbiotic relationship with each other.

The 'passion' helps me to let go of the stresses that arise from too much 'reason'. Conversely, the 'reason' reminds me to call for help instead of falling off a cliff when I've indulged in a little bit too much 'passion'.

Work and the rest of my life are kind of like that too. In alot of ways, work is about making money and putting a roof over your head etc... while the rest of life, for me anyways, is more about having fun, being active and experiencing different things.

But even at work there is the opportunity for both sides to make an appearance... and I think it's important that 'passion' gets to express itself in the workplace sometimes.

Here's one way I express the 'passion' side of myself at work...